The Fibonacci Title Sequence animation seeks to emulate the ways in which both mathematics and the natural world inform one another. By moving through the composition of mathematical diagrams and compositions of more organic materials, the title sequence established the tone of the movie. The Fibonacci Sequence inspired the notion of the golden ratio and compositional guidelines that we desire like to carry so dear and close to our hearts and is referenced numerous times throughout the animation.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
Click to see more the introduction pages and some more spreads of the book
Here is an example of the civics templates CUBS provides to educators, club advisors, and students the resources they need to teach relevant themes around democracy in the classroom. The design is an extension of the brand an intends to be informative, playful, an easy to use
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
One deliverable for the campaign was establishing a social media presence and templates for future social media posts. The social media profile was determined to be more of a point of reference for potential voters seeking to learn more about Strand rather than a platform for campaigning
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
The Spectrum Studios Logo was a separate animation to the main Fibonacci Title Sequence and was simply meant to hello establish the tone of the film. Simoultainesouly this animation was meant to give emphasis to the producing studio.
Printed from the original ATF 30 Point Yonkers Typeface
Digital trace of the Yonkers letterpress to create Bezier vector
Refined Yonkers to a more functional typeface, Montankers
Comparison of Montankers over Yonkers Digital Trace
Looks like you made it this far! If you want to talk about potential work, design theory, or why my favorite color is blue, then drop me a line.